Support Jenkins pipeline jobs
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Ismar Slomic September 11, 2016 at 2:01 AM
Same issue here as well. I would highly appreciate if this plugin can support multibranch piple projects in Jenkins.
Jenkins 2.7.3
JIRA Software 7.2.0
JIRA Jenkins Plugin 2.1.2

Derek N September 8, 2016 at 4:34 PM
Look forward to trying this plugin with pipeline

Mark Rekveld September 8, 2016 at 7:35 AM
Hi Derek,
Support for Jenkins Pipelines is definitely coming. I'm currently looking into a new notifier that can be used for all jobs in Jenkins.

Derek N September 7, 2016 at 10:16 PMEdited
Pretty cool integration between Jenkins and JIRA.
I have Jenkins 2.21 and JIRA v6.4.3.
I have jenkins-jira-plugin-1.6.0.hpi installed on Jenkins and jira-jenkins-plugin-1.6.0.obr installed on JIRA. I see the same issue/error "Unable to register build notifier on Jenkins:<jobname>" reported with Jenkins pipeline jobs. With a Jenkins free style job, the integrations/features seem to work.
I also updated the plugin on Jenkins to 2.1.2, but still see the same issue.
Is there an update on adding support for pipeline? Thanks

Mark Rekveld July 22, 2016 at 3:57 PM
Hi ,
Thanks for the details, I'll look into the issue and see what needs to be done. to get it to work.

While this plug in is able to see all the builds in a Jenkins pipeline (formerly known as Workflow) job, it does not seem to be able to detect resolved issues (even if the issues are mentioned in the "changes" inside Jenkins).
In the log there are several entries like:
I assume that this is because the JIRA plug in for Jenkins does not support pipelines. As this is optional (only for push notification?) this should be ok.
Pipelines are now a first-class entity in Jenkins 2 ( It would be nice if at least polling would work.