Jenkins Configuration page renders a NullPointerException


The Jenkins Configuration page in JIRA renders a NullPointerExcpetion after upgrading to version 1.6.0, or later, of the Jenkins Integration for Jira plugin.

The root cause can be found in the upgrade task that migrates the previously used Application Links data to the now used internal Sites objects. If you are effected by this error, then it is very likely that this upgrade task has thrown an error that should be visible in the JIRA log file.


There is a workaround that allows you to fix the problem without the need for a plugin update.

You will require database access in order to use this workaround!

To fix this you will need to manually change the data within the database to correct the site data.

  1. Connect to you JIRA database using your favourite SQL tooling that is also appropriate for the database you have.
  2. Once connected locate the table AO_3FB43F_SITE_MAPPING.
  3. Next, make sure that the fields NAMESITE_TYPE, and RPC_URL are filled correctly. SITE_TYPE should have the value JENKINS or HUDSON. All other fields are optional.
  4. Now the Jenkins Configuration page in JIRA  should render without issue.
    (warning) If the problem persists then a restart of JIRA may be required before the problem is resolved.
  5. Next verify the configuration using the Manage Sites features of the plugin
  6. once you verified that all is OK, it is safe to delete the Application Links.