JIRA Cloud Support



Mark Rekveld April 4, 2018 at 8:19 PM

For those interested, today marks the day that the initial release of the Jira Cloud support has been released and is available on the Marketplace.

Randy Balaban April 26, 2016 at 7:28 PM

Hi Mark,
Sorry for the delayed response, but work got crazy there for a bit.

I'm not a QA engineer, but would be more than happy to help with testing. Just let me know when you are ready and what you need me to do.

As to the timeline, do you really have to ask? Of course, they wanted it "Yesterday" but didn't realize that they needed it until "Today". lol Don't wouldn't worry about our timeline. We have a temporary workaround. Plus, my involvement was to help guide them towards a solution, generate alternative solutions, and provide rough timelines. For the most part, I've given them what they want.

Thanks again for the information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Mark Rekveld March 23, 2016 at 9:56 PM

They made it clear that JIRA server and Cloud are very different products and any plugin may not work the same.

And that is exactly the reason for this long wait for the this add-on to hit the cloud market.
Also the reason for moving away from the Application Link Framework which cannot be used by connect add-ons.

I have also gotten that link and think that the features from this add-on can be ported to a cloud connect add-on without must work.
But the work will mostly be in getting an sable, scalable, high-available environment up and running to support the add-on.
It also requires to run over SSL, which in turn requires me to get a certificate. Not a blocking problem, but something to keep in mind non the less.
Not to speak of the legal docs to get sorted, like SLAs, user agreements, policy, privacy, security statements, and so on.

The good thing however it that since 2016 Marvelution the projects are backed by Marvelution B.V. the company.
This gives me at least financial resources to get this add-on in the cloud, but cannot yet get others on the payroll.
So for the coding pit it will me just me, but for testing we can team up. As soon as I have something running we could setup a deal, that you can help with testing.

But what is the timeline/deadline you are looking at from your company?

Randy Balaban March 23, 2016 at 7:44 PM

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am working with Atlassian (in parallel) and they told me that some features, within JIRA Cloud, may not be possible due to limitations, restrictions, and/or being disabled for security concerns. They forwarded me to: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiracloud/restricted-functions-in-jira-cloud-applications-776636921.html

They made it clear that JIRA server and Cloud are very different products and any plugin may not work the same. They did say that if you run into any problems that you can reach out to them. But other than that, they just forwarded me to their REST API reference and Atlassian Connect Framework.

I wish that I could help out, but I am a nub when it comes to JIRA plugins. However, since this issue is affecting my company's deadlines. I may be able to twist their arms to let me work on this a few hours a week. So let me know if there is anything that I can help out with.

Mark Rekveld March 23, 2016 at 6:20 PM

Hi Former user,

I'm just about ready to release the last version for JIRA 6.x.
And after that I will start with JIRA 7.x which should follow within a couple of weeks.
This then makes way for Cloud support.

At first the version for JIRA Cloud will only get he features that JIRA Server, but once they are both online, then more features will be added and I remember there are some greenhopper/agile features listed in the backlog.

A rough timeline is hard, but I think it will take at least 2 months from now. The features are there but the runtime environment is missing and this will take the most time to build.

In the mean time, there is only one other option, but this will flood your issues with comments. And that is to use the Jenkins/Hudson default JIRA plugin. This plugin will add a comment to every issue that it finds in the commit messages that triggered a build.

Be sure to check back in every week or so to see progress.
As soon as I have a beta ready, I'll post it so people can opt in before its public.

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Created January 31, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Updated April 15, 2019 at 6:11 AM
Resolved April 15, 2019 at 6:11 AM