Deleting/Editing sites not possible after creation
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Mark Rekveld September 12, 2016 at 8:40 AM
Thanks Mark! Since I guess it take more time to fix Jenkins Pipeline, would it be possible to split this fix and pipeline feature into two releases?
I'm currently testing a solution to support pipelines, so it should not be long before it also gets the done stamp.
I'm shooting for nearly next week to get the new release out.

Ismar Slomic September 12, 2016 at 8:37 AM
Thanks Mark! Since I guess it take more time to fix Jenkins Pipeline, would it be possible to split this fix and pipeline feature into two releases?

Mark Rekveld September 12, 2016 at 8:35 AM
This will be fixed once 2.2.0 is released.

Mark Rekveld September 12, 2016 at 8:34 AM
This is a know issue with JIRA 7.2.0 and one of the reasons its not yet fully supported. The other issue is an API change that effects the release report integration.
The upgrade to JIRA 7.2 has been made, but there are other issues that I also want to solve like Jenkins pipeline support before cutting a new release.


Im unable to edit nor delete created sites. Im just being redirected back to the same page and no errors are displayed in log files. I would need to delete one of the sites since it is duplicate of another. Are there any workaround to delete sites, for instance by modifying db or files?