Auto Enable New Jobs should only process new/unknown jobs


Currently a full site synchronization is triggered, when an admin enabled the "Auto Enable new Jobs" option on a site, to locate new jobs. This synchronization will also trigger the synchronization of known and unknown jobs.

This process should be updated to skip known jobs when the Jenkins site has the counterpart add-on installed. Known jobs will get triggered through the build complete notifier and don't need to be processed in this operation.





Horst Krause November 5, 2018 at 1:16 PM

Thanks. This sounds much better now and will remove a lot of load from larger jenkins installations.

Mark Rekveld November 5, 2018 at 9:16 AM

I have rewritten this story to optimize the site synchronization process instead adding a new option for the same goal.

Mark Rekveld November 5, 2018 at 9:10 AM

 What is the meaning of "sub jobs" here? Does jenkins know "sub jobs"?

Jenkins jobs can have job as children, like the folder plugin, the folder is a job by itself, and contains other jobs. These are child or sub jobs and each of those can also have child jobs and so on and so forth.

 What we would need is an option to automatically enable new jobs when the first build of it is reported to jira. If the plugin also requests all other builds of this new job it would be nice but this is not required.

The add-on has no requirement when it comes to the builds of a job, but instead triggers a site synchronization which synchronized all jobs (and subjobs of enabled jobs). This is the only why currently that the add-on to find new jobs.

But reading your comment and thinking about it some more, there is a simpler way I think to get new jobs. This way would essentially work the same as the add-on currently does, but would instead of always synchronizing jobs, only synchronize unknown jobs. This was only new/unknown jobs would get synchronized and all known once would be skipped saving on resources on Jira and Jenkins.

Horst Krause November 5, 2018 at 8:53 AM

What is the meaning of "sub jobs" here? Does jenkins know "sub jobs"?

What we would need is an option to automatically enable new jobs when the first build of it is reported to jira. If the plugin also requests all other builds of this new job it would be nice but this is not required.

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Created August 30, 2017 at 9:15 AM
Updated November 15, 2018 at 4:00 PM
Resolved November 15, 2018 at 4:00 PM