Jenkins build not shown on CI build panel
is blocked by

Mark Rekveld June 20, 2017 at 10:37 AM
Hi ,
The URL of the build notifier is set by JIRA during the synchronization process.
And all the build notifier does, is notify JIRA that a job had been build. That is it.

sunilkumar June 20, 2017 at 7:42 AM
Hi Mark,
which url configure in JIRA build notifier in jenkins job part ,
below thing can you please explain in build notfifier .

Mark Rekveld June 19, 2017 at 7:16 AM
Hi Sunil,
Of the screenshots you shared, only the JIRA Build Notifier post build action is supported by this project, the rest is not. Which has been replaced by a better global buil listener in later versions of the Jenkins plugin.
The build notifier url however is not correct, this is set by the JIRA plugin, during the synchronization process and should not be updated manually.

sunilkumar June 19, 2017 at 5:21 AM
Hi Mark,
i installed jenkins plugin in JIRA side, as well as i installed JIRA plugin in jenkins.
can you please check .
jenkins part i did below part .
In job part i did below snapshot
can you please help me

Mark Rekveld June 16, 2017 at 9:53 AM
Hi Sunil,
Without details from logs or screenshots from your configuration its pretty much impossible for me to help getting the integration working.
Greetings, currently I'm trying to use the "Jenkins plugin for Jira" to integrate jenkins to jira.
I have installed the jenkins plugin on jira, and the jira plugin on jenkins. I have also given the application link to both application and enabled the job builds on jira add-on setting. Jobs can be sync on jira properly.
The jenkins build is not showing on my CI panel. I can add comments to an issue via the jenkins build, the CI panel still shows "No builds found."
I have checked some of the tickets with the same issue(), in the comments it is saying that: "Currently this plugin assumes that you have you source in source control where Jenkins is building against. And that you include JIRA issue keys in the commit messages when you commit source changes."
Does that means to get the CI build shown in the panel, I need to build the jenkins job via a source control. Even if I have configured the issue key in the build step of a job configuration?
Also I found that the ticket I referred is quite old, so is it still this case for now?
Please give any advise on how can we get the jenkins build properly shown in JIRA.
Thank you.